Go Ask Mom: The River of Sticks

The River Sticks

The furry man always takes his toll. No one can fool him. Release and let go of what holds you back/down. Even the deep secret things you don’t even journal about. The things you avoid. Doing it now will be easier then when you are reading it in your book of life as you sail down The River Of Sticks. Realizing it now is free but recognizing it then will cost you your two gold coins. Learn everything you can before your soul is recycled. Look within. Some say darkness fears light, though in the Valley Of Darkness only your own light can shine through.

Journaling Prompt: How do you feel about the accomplishments you’ve done over the last 6 months?

Readers Activity: is there something dimming your light? How can you brighten it?

Grounded Gardener: Hawthorne

Hawthorne: Crataegus monogyna, Crataegus oxyacantha
Also known as: May berry, hawthorn berry, red haw, may blossom, whitethorn
Parts used: Leaves, berries and flowers
How to use: orally, topically
What Hawthorne Helps:
Digestive System:
Indigestion, diarrhea, stomach pain, tapeworms and other intestinal infections, increases urine output, kidney and bladder disorders
Heart disease, blood vessels, congestive heart failure (CHF), high and low blood pressure, hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis), high cholesterol, can improve circulation
Muscle spasms
Boils, sores, ulcers, frostbite
Reduces anxiety, acts as a sedative, stress management, nervousness and sleep disorders
Helps with menstrual problems

Methods: tincture, tea, washes
Therapeutic concerns:
Drug Reactions: ***Can react with prescription drugs used for heart disease***
If you are taking prescription or nonprescription medicines, talk to your health care provider before taking herbal supplements. If you are currently being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use hawthorn without first talking to your provider:
Digoxin: Hawthorn may enhance the activity of digoxin, a medication used for irregular heart rhythms.
Beta-blockers: These drugs are used to treat heart disease by lowering blood pressure and dilating blood vessels. Hawthorn can make the effects of these drugs stronger. They include:
Atenolol (Tenormin)
Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol-XL)
Propranolol (Inderal, Inderal LA)
Calcium channel blockers (CCBs): These drugs are used to treat high blood pressure and angina by dilating blood vessels. Hawthorn can make the effects of these drugs stronger. They include:
Norvasc (amlodipine)
Cardizem (diltiazem)
Procardia (nifedipine)
Phenylephrine: In a laboratory study, an alcoholic extract of hawthorn fruit reduced the effects of phenylephrine, a medication that constricts blood vessels and is commonly found in nasal decongestant products. Natural remedies, including cat’s claw, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), fenugreek, fish oil, ginger, and other herbs.
Medications for male sexual dysfunction (Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors): When used together with Hawthorn, it may result in blood pressure dropping too low.
Nitrates: These medications increase blood flow to the heart and taking Hawthorn together with them might increase the chance of dizziness or light headedness.
Source: Hawthorn | University of Maryland Medical Center http://umm.edu/health/medical-reference-guide/complementary-and-alternative-medicine-guide/herb/hawthorn#ixzz3r9ChiX2t
University of Maryland Medical Center
Follow us: @UMMC on Twitter | MedCenter on Facebook
Might Cause: upset stomach, nausea, fatigue, sweating, headache, dizziness, palpitations, nose bleeds, insomnia and agitation
Pregnant/Nursing: Depends on Who you ask
Should be avoided in pregnant and nursing women.
Animal studies have not shown any adverse effect on embryo development.
Therapy Length: Short term for up to 16 weeks
Not Safe for children

Book of shadows notes update 2010

Use: berries, leaves, and flowers.

For: heart disease, congestion, heart failure, blood vessels, chest pain, irregular heartbeat

High and low blood pressure, hardening of the arteries

High cholesterol,

digestive system – indigestion, diarrhea, remove tape worms, stomach pains, and other intestinal infections

Use as topical for Muscle spasms.

Helps reduce anxiety as a sedative to increase urine output and menstrual problems.

The tea can be used to wash Frost bite, sores, boils and skin infections from lack of movement.

Short term use: 16 weeks straight with 4-6 week break

Can cause: upset stomach, nausea, fatigue, sweating, headache, dizziness, palpitations, nose bleeds, insomnia, agitation

*mixed poorly with Rx medicines.

Auspicious to use when client has a wrinkle in ear lobe before hearth medicine is prescribed. (Cantrell, L)


Holistic Cough And Cold Relief: Honey Syrups

Homemade Cough and Cold Syrup
Ann Timm
10 Essential Herbs by Lalitha Thomas

1 cup chopped onions
½ cup raw honey
1-2 TBSP slippery Elm
1-2 TBSP fresh chopped ginger
1-2 TBSP dried mullein
1 -2 marshmallow root

Elderberry Syrup
Wellness Mama blog

⅔ cups dried black elderberry
3 ½ cups water
2 TBSP Finger Root
½ TSP Cloves
1 cup raw honey
1 TSP cinnamon powder

Bring to a boil, add cloves and cinnamon and let simmer on low heat for 45 minutes. Cool strain, Add honey.
Store in 16 oz jar

JEMs cold Syrup idea
⅔ cup black elderberry
2 TBSP chopped fresh ginger
1-2 cinnamon sticks
1 large TBSPmarshmallow root
2 TSP licorice root
2 TBSP mullein
4 cups water
1- 1 ½ cup honey

Bring to water, berries, roots, and sticks to boil; turn hit to simmer until water is reduced by half. Turn off heat and add powder. Strain herbs when cool enough to touch. Add honey and mix until blended. Store in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks. Shake before use.

How to use the cold and cough syrups above:

Kids: 1/2 TSP – 2 TSP; 3 times a day
Adult: 1-4 TBSP; 3 time a day

If you use for 3-4 days without relief contact medical professionals for a prescription.

Natural cleaners: Window cleaner

Window cleaner
1 cup alcohol
½ cup vinegar
2 ¼ c water
1 TBSP cornstarch
10 drops citrus essential oils

Bucket Liquid Laundry Soap

Bucket Liquid laundry Soap
Janelle McCoy

1 cup washing soda
1 cup baked soda
1 cup Bora
10 oz shaved bar soap
8 liters of hot water
60 drops Essential oils

Add dry ingredients to 5 gallon bucket, pour 4 liters of boiling water and stir. Once soap and soda’s are dissolved add other 4 liters of water, once cooled to 180° or less add essential oils. Store in bucket.

Use ½ to 3/4 cup of gel for a load.

Rock Star Mama Tea

Rock Star Mama tea
pre and post partum tea

Janelle McCoy


Rock Star Mama tea blend was created for Mom’s new and old that needed a little help during high stress times. Whether you’re a working mom or one with only household duties, sometimes the children young and old continue to keep us moving. This blend calms the nerves, and keeps the blues away during that irritating times of the month.

3pts chamomile
1pt raspberry leaf
1pt lemon balm
1.25 pts hibiscus flower
1 pt echinacea herb
½ pt blessed thistle
½ pt oatstraw
1pt nettle
½ pt lavender

How to prepare 1-2 tbsp of dry herb blend to 8-10 oz of hot water. Let sit for 5-15 minutes, the longer it brews the more medicinal it becomes. Sweetener is optional.

Drink 1-3 cups a day, for 4 weeks after delivery, throughout PMS times, or just because your feeling a little too Mrs Frizzle.

This blend may increase uterine recovery after birth and during menstrual cycle.

This blend may strengthen uterine strength before birth.

This blend may increase energy levels while reducing nervous tension.

Also try Mother’s Milk Tea Blend to keep your milk flowing strong as the baby grows.

Peanut Butter Roasted Snack Mix

5 c Chex cereal
¼ c Peanut butter
2 tbs butter
1 c small pretzels
1 c raisins or other dried fruit
1 c honey peanuts

heat oven 350°
on stove warm pb and butter to boil, pour over snack ingredients minus dryer fruit. stir, spread on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10 mins stir in sir in raisins. spread out to cool for about 2 hours.

Try dust the end product with a small amount of powdered sugar and cinnamon.

Grounded Gardener: Guerilla Gardening Bombs

Guerilla gardening is definitely against the law and it can spread invasive unwanted plants all around the country.

It’s a lot like graffiti, beautiful but one needs a permit to do that. So, definitely guerilla gardening at your own risk.

Guerilla Gardening brings life to an urban environment that seems to be dying off, as well as, it can be invasive, it does feed urban beehives closer to their home, causing them to use less energy allowing them to create more honey for later. Brings butterflies to the city and give a kid a place to pick a flower for his mom. I believe it can improve ones environmental wellness.

Always try to get seeds native to your area, but the dollar tree always has boxes of mixed wildflower seeds perfect for this summer time craft.

Air dry clay
Potting soil
Wild flower seeds
Spray bottle filled with water

Mix 5-10 cups of potting soil to 1 cup wildflower seeds. Spray soil slightly with water until it can be molded into a snow ball like shape. Cover dirt ball with air dry clay

Adding sparkles would be a fun addition but not so good for the environment. We’ll just let the flowers sparkle in the sunshine.

Once clay is dry, your gardening bombs are ready to be thrown into your favorite abandoned lot.

Happy gardening.
Janelle McCoy

Homemade Kid Bath Paint

Bath Paint
Squirt of soap
Dash of water
¼ cup flour
food coloring

Storage For Herbal Preparations:

Dried herbs– can last up to 4 years stored in a dark cool place. Glass or metal-air and light tight containers are the best way to keep dried herbs as fresh as possible. When the smell or color starts to fade it is best to dispose of them in the proper compost bin.

Capsules can last you to 4 years if stored in a cool dark place. Cap-m-quick capsule maker helps to make them easier than filling capsules one by one. ‘00’ size is the perfect size for a one or 2 a day dose. The use of a coffee grinder helps break down the plant allowing the body to absorb the constituents faster and more efficiently. It can be very spiritual even when processing the herb.

Tinctures– when stored in dark amber or blue glass bottle can last up to 7 to 10years without losing their potency.

Essential oils– have been known to last up to 10 years, if stored in a cool dry place and dark glass airtight container.

Infused oils– use within 2 years, timeline depends on the method created, which herbs and which oils are used to create this very essential oil for herbalists. Store in a cool, dark place with an airtight container.

Loose-leaf teas and herbal blends- Tea tins and boxes are the proper way to store loose leaf tea blends. The darker the container the longer the shelf life can be extended. Teas should always be stored in an airtight, light-tight moister-tight container. The use of mason jars can also extend the life of the plant material in the blend. Some suggest using wax paper between the ring and lid to help seal the jar tighter. These can last up to 7 years just like dried herbs. After they lose their color, smell, and flavor they should be disposed of properly. When dry herbs are created into an infusion with water, the drink may last up to a week in the refrigerator.

From JEM’s BOS 2018