Seeking the Truth with The Pendulum

Scrying is an act of mindful meditation time, some use different tools to become one with their energy and the energies around them to seek truth, some use it for future and past telling. There are many scrying methods, techniques, and tools available to those interested in increasing their boring old practice. The use of these calming tools can increase your meditation practice by giving your mind something to focus on, allowing your mind to ease into meditation. Candles, Pendulums, Mirrors, Water, Tarot, Automatic writing and drawing can give your mindful time a new flair.

Pendulums have been used for thousands of years to tell a baby’s sex, to find water, keep time, and tell the truth. The aunties would take the mother’s necklace and wedding bands over her stomach, depending on the direction the rings went was which sex the fetus was.

Pendulums can also be used to seek truth, by asking a pendulum questions about yours and others life paths, in order to seek the next move in your adventures.

Calibrating a pendulum is quite easy. Hold the pendulum gently a few inches off a flat surface. Speak kindly your truth statement, the direction the pendulum swings means ‘yes’; speak kindly while using your lie statement, the direction the pendulum swings means ‘no’; lastly speak another truth statement to confirm and it is now ready to use.

It is best to ask simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions.

Not every time you get a ‘yes’ answer will it come true, you must work for what you see in meditations that haven’t happened yet. Over time, I have noticed ‘no’ answers are normally unchangeable, if it’s a ‘no’ right off the bat that’s probably a red flag warning the user must change direction. It’s not a good idea to try to change it. When the pendulum spins in circles it means the question is not worded correctly, miss truth but not full truth has been told, it is thinking, and user must rest balance to self.

Just watching the pendulum swing can create a hypnotic zen to your mood.

As you advance in your pendulum scrying technique you can read full blown conversations with people to see if they are telling the truth. It takes practice to read others with a pendulum, whether they are truth telling or fish tail telling but a pendulum can do it. The more you practice using a pendulum the more you can see the truth in reality in yourself and those around you.

Don’t forget to hang your suncatcher pendulum in a sunny window when not in use. This will help to keep the truth within.

What’s your favorite way to use a pendulum?

3 thoughts on “Seeking the Truth with The Pendulum

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