Planet Profile: Mars

Mars – the Red planet, placement is 4th from the sun. Roman God of war, terrestrial planet warrior. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.

Mineral: iron
Constitution: pitta, choleric
Balancing planets: moon, sun, Venus
Energetics: hot & dry
Herbal actions: stimulant, alternative, Diaphoretic, immune
Body System: immune system
Tissue state: excess: heat/ excitation
Deficient: cold/ depression
Tissues: muscle and tendons
Organs: blood, adrenals, muscles, immunity, fight or flight. Gallbladder (2nd)
Plant examples: stinging nettles, oplopanax
Chakra: 3rd
Sumerian: simutu
Jyotisa: mangala
Greek: Ares
Norse: Tyr
Babylonian: nergal

Sign meaning: how they express anger and passion.

Astrology placements:
Mars can show traumatic occasions within one’s life. Passion, harder workers, military experiences and know how.

Planet Profile: Venus

Venus: 2nd planet from the sun, guru of demons, 3rd brightest planet in the sky, has no moons, spins backwards,
Gender: Feminine
Mineral: copper
Day or week: Friday
Direction: south east
Season: spring
Gem: diamond
Balancing planets: Mars, Saturn, Mercury
Constitution: vata, kapha; sanguine or phlegmatic
Taste: sour
Herbal actions: Diuretic, astringent, nervine, antispasmodic
Tissue state: excess: damp/ relaxation
Deficit: wind/ tension
Tissue: mucosal
Organs: kidneys, skin, pancreas, throat and thyroid, bladder ( 2nd), urinary tract, reproductive fluids.
Shape: octagon
Plant examples: Althea, rose, passionflower
Zodiac: Libra and Taurus

Venus can show potency and desire. Symbolizes enjoyment, romance, love, sex, partnership. Anything creative. Could also show to a trained eye, sexual trauma, marriage trauma, war trauma, childhood trauma while pair with other planetary alignments.

Chakra: 2 and 4
Sumerian: zib/zag
Jyotisa: shukra
Norse: frigg/ Freya
Greek: Aphrodite
Babylonian: Ishtar

Worshiping goddess Shanti
Recitation of Durga chalisa
Donate perfumes and fancy items to those in need.
Burn sandalwood on Fridays for married females.
Fast on Fridays

Hora of Venus: is auspicious for love, pleasure, marriage, and luxuries related matters. For buying and selling of ornaments, fine arts, and clothing for recreational amusement and entertainment, related matters to buy or you use new vehicles and for learning dance, art, and music related manners.

Mantra: om shukraya manaha

Great Gift Ideas For The Minimalist Family In Your Life

With the new minimalist movement and the holidays coming I thought it would be a good idea to suggest some gifts for families that are trying to be minimal. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to buy minimalistic families. Most minimalist families have been working hard to get rid of unwanted things. We are trying to keep our homes clear of unuseful items and normally already have everything we need. Every minimal family is different but we all have the same mind set of keeping the clutter low and items useful in their home. Most items in our homes are multipurpose. We also don’t want to get caught up in the consumerism of the holidays OR have you fall for it either.title picture

Try to keep your gifts useful and catered to the families needs, wants and likes. If you are unsure, just ask them, they will tell you exactly what they have been missing in their lives. A lot of times our budgets are so tight we don’t have room for needed things like nights out or family field trips. We might also be saving for something the family needs.

Here are some great ideas for the minimal family.

  • Homemade gifts: remember we don’t like the idea of consumerism, but homemade or handmade gifts are ALWAYS
  • Think year round:
    • Memberships to wholesale warehouses, amusement parks, YMCA, community pool, Food Co-Op’s, etc.
  • Coupon Books (like the cute ones your kids have likely made for you):
    • Make them dinner once a month for a year- they would love the break and time spent with you.
    • Baby sit for them once a month for a year.
    • Lunch or coffee dates
    • Spend time with nieces and nephews’
  • Gift Cards:
    • Specialty stores, hobby stores, websites, grocery stores, restaurants
  • Family Day/Night out:
    • Dinner, movies, zoo trips, amusement park trips, plays etc.

Remember they are trying to keep things simple and you should too. Ask them what they might need, they probably have a list.IMG_7368 (2)

These are just some quick things that I had thought of. Of course you could always just refrain from gift giving all together and focus on what is always most important; the love of family and friends.

Happy Holidays 🙂


Sharing is Caring…When your Elf on the Shelf gives a lesson in sharing.

Yes, I have another Elf on The Shelf adventure. We all have so much fun with Red Red Fred when Mr. JEM and I found out a family friend of ours didn’t have an elf we decided we needed to let Santa know.

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Sure enough Santa came through, he always does. This time was by sending Red Red Fred a week early with a letter and gift all wrapped up.20141123_111515 (3)

The letter explained to my kids why Red Red Fred was here so early, and how he thought they were being super helpers this year (because they were). He needed them to help deliver a new adoptable elf to their friends who didn’t have an family elf yet. My kids LOVED the idea!!! This was one of Fred’s finer moments.

Only a few weeks before he fell from the lamp and ended up in the Elf Hospital but that’s another story.

There were no instructions on how to deliver the special package. We sat down as a family and decided how we would deliver the special delivery. How exciting Santa picked us to be his helpers!

“It had to be a surprise like when people BOO you at Halloween.” Someone suggested

So we all jumped in the van with the package in hand and drove off to DING-DONG-DITCH our elf-less friends, giggling and Christmas caroling all the way.

The letter from Red Red Fred asking us to be Santa's Helpers...

The letter from Red Red Fred asking us to be Santa’s Helpers…

Thing 1 and Thing 4 jump out of the van and run to the door, drop off the box, rang the door bell and run back to the van as fast as they could…SUCCESS!!! No one tripped and the family didn’t see any of us and we were off!

My daughter’s friend’s family was so grateful and talked about it for the whole season. I cannot remember what the note inside the package to our friends said but I do remember it was from Santa. I am sure you can think of something special and creative.

Do you know someone who is missing the fun of an Elf on The Shelf this year? Maybe you can work something up like this to give them some holiday cheer!

‘Tis the season to share the Joy!

Happy Holidays 🙂


Planet Profile: Jupiter

Is the largest of the outer planets that can be seen with the naked eye.. Has 67 confirmed moons and a dust ring. The Great Storm is the large red spot on Jupiter and is said to have a wind speed of 500 miles per hour. The belts and zones that make up Jupiter’s appearance roasted around the planet in opposite directions. Jupiter emits more heat that it takes from the sun. It is much smaller than our sun but might act as one some day.
Jupiter’s known as the destroyer of comets, due to it’s gravitationally pulled paired with Saturn; these two guardian planets often throw space trash and other heavenly bodies out of our solar system away from planet Earth.

Gender: masculine
Mineral: tin
Day ruled: Thursday
Day time: 10 hours
Balancing planets: Mercury and Saturn
Constitution: kapha & phlegmatic
Energetics: warming and moistening
Tissue state:
Excess: damp/stagnation
Deficient: dry/ atrophy
Tissue: fat
Organs: liver, gallbladder(2nd), digestion, adipose tissue, metabolic system
Herbal actions: alternative, better, tonic
Chakra: 6&7
Sumerian: dapinu
Jyotisa (Vedic): brihaspati
Norse: Thor
Greek: Zeus
Babylonian: marduk
Zodiac: Pisces
Hora of Jupiter: is highly auspicious for all spiritual ceremonies and undertakings. It is auspicious for joining the job, to start a business, to meet elders, and teachers, to start a new course or learning Disputes, for all religious undertakings, for marriage talks and for journeys and pilgrimages.
Mantra to chant: om guruvae namaha

Astrology transits suggest Jupiter creates a larger view of life, what’s possible, inspiration, wisdom.
Look for a husband through a Jupiter sign. This can also tell about other masculine figures in your life.
Letting Jupiter guide us where its placement allows one to expand their knowledge.
Jupiter writes about law, education, knowledge, philosophical culture, religion, savings and children. Symbolizing teachers, priests, gurus and grains.

Jupiter can signify the expansion of religion, higher knowledge, spiritual knowledge

Bad placement can mean bad teachings, and native may not learn as much. Shows management, leaders and those eager to learn. Children will have a sense of wisdom. Jupiter lights up and amplifies everything around it but not under its placement.

Understanding Jupiter helps create boundaries.

Planet Profiles: Saturn

Saturn: 2nd largest planet, lease dense


Gender: male 

Day: Saturday

Cycle around sun: 28-30 years; two years each sign, 7 year ¼ cycle is complete which we move into new endeavors.

Saturn’s day is 10 hours. 

Rings are not solid, they consist of water, ice, and partials. The rings are 10 meters thick. 

Retrograde time period: 140 days each year, stationary for 5 days before and after retrograde period.


Moons: Titin is massive, the largest moon in the solar system, has an atmosphere, cryo-volcanos, underground ocean, and weather too. Enceladus is 500 meters large, made of water and ice. Creates a very shiny appearance. The South pole has 6 ____ underground ocean. A lot of Saturn’s moons appear to look as though they are moving backwards across the sky while in it’s retrograde period. Some call it’s moons the crown jewels of the universe. 

Constitution: vata, melancholic

Balancing planets: sun, moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus

Energetics: cold & drying

Tissue state:

excess: cold/depression; dry/ atrophy 

Deficit: heat/excitations; damp/stagnation

Tissue: bone(2nd)

Organ: right ear, bones(2nd), joints (2nd), teeth, skin, spleen, bladder, gallbladder, phlegm

Body system: skeletal structural 

Herbal actions: tonic, astringent, nutritive

Plant examples: ceanothus

Roman mythology: God of agriculture, founder of civilizations, social order and conformity. Wisdom which grows with age, long cycles are important to our development.

It’s a religious planet, patron of religious men.

Saturn stands for the cause of destruction. Due to it’s slow revolution it becomes a planet of detours and delay, death and even imprisonment. Saturn’s return to it’s original birth position in the sky thus energetically influencing the individual multi energy dimensional system (Barbara handclaw ?)

-cause melancholy 


Ruler of Capricorn, exalted by Libra, Aquarius and cancer is detriment, fall Aries

Chinese astrology: earth planet, color yellow ochre, earth star. 

TMC: the emphasis on blood and everyday nourishment. Transports materials through the body. Saturn is blamed for organ generation loss of vital organs.

Western astrology: forces us to face essential necessities of life, obligations, our parents, clan, and race. We give just for being born, and the responsibility we have to except if we continue in existence.

Hora of Saturn: is suitable to deal with labour related matters, for hard work and service related matters, for oil and iron related businesses. It’s inauspicious for all other matters.

Mantra to chant: ” om seen sanecharaya namaha”

12 Laws of Karma

This part of my old notes are hard to read. Unknown source.

1. As you sew, so shall you reap.

2. Law of creation: you attract what you are not what you want.

3. Law of humility: what you resist, resists.

4. Law of growth: where ever you go there you will be.

5. Law of responsibility: our lives are of our own doing nothing else.

6. Law of connection: everything you do is somehow connected.

7. Law of focus: you can not think two things at the same time.

8. Hospitality and _________: demonstrates our true selflessness, shows true intentions.

9. Law of presents: one can not be present if they are looking backwards, or forwards for that matter.

10. Law of change: except change for it will be.

11. Patience and rewards: in due time will karma laws become seen.

12. Significants and Introspection: are you sure you haven’t already received it?

Color Meanings: Pink

Pink is the universe color for self-love, unconditional love for all relationships, especially with yourself.

All shades of pink can help to improve imbalances in your crown chakra while improving your self confidence. Your crown chakra controls your subconscious mind there for love for yourself come from your mind space. Love for and from others would be your heart and mind space but inorder to except that love from others you’ve got to be one with your own self-love.

Adding this color into your life activates your nervous system to rewire your brain waves. Start the healing process in a gentle way with the use of pink jewelry, flowers, foods, clothing, and art to increase your self-esteem. In return increasing your self-confidence, which will increase your over all love of life.

Pink wild rose

Try adding the use of pink candles for encouraging self-love to.Clearing your mind heart space and uplifting one’s self. Adding pink plants like pink rose, red clover, hibiscus, strawberries, and watermelon into your diet can help cleanse internally. Decorating with pink healing gems and minerals can encourage along the process on an energetic level. Some of my favorites for this are rose quartz, rose gold, pink agate, pink tourmaline, and pink pearls. Wearing pink clothing and accessories with only increase that vibe. Dye your hair pink, paint your nails, use pink eyeliner and mascara, journal in pink ink, even the littles addition can set the healing journey to love afoot.

Pink iced cookie.

Maybe your looking for a different area in your left to heal. Try checking out ‘Whats that Color’ for other color meanings.

Pink echinacea

What’s that color?

Candle Color Magick Meanings

Video go ask Mom

Love by Violet McCoy

Can You Have Love After a Break-up?

JEM’s Jewels: Turquoise


Other names: fayruz (Arabic for lucky stone), turkey stone, Turkish stone, Venus stone, horseman’s talisman
Opaque blue- green stone with mineral veins.
Hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminum.
Triclinic crystal system

Types of turquoise: French, Pierre turquoise, Turkish and American, Russian, tibetan, middle eastern countries.

History of turquoise:
It has been used for jewelry adornment for 1000s of years. Many were enslaved to mine this stone in south Asia and north America. At the time, people traveled many miles to Turkish bazaars to find the perfect pieces for their loved ones. The receiver often wore it as a prized symbol of wisdom, mobility, immortality throughout most all cultures.

Turquoise was an adorn for its power to produce luck and protection towards the wearer. This stone has been used to create jewelry so long they have a bead dated 5000 BC.

Native Americans collected already mined turquoise to create pieces of jewelry for ceremony and prosperity. They believe it signified the sky god was always on earth.


Helps enhance communication between the physical and spiritual world.

Creates a protective aura around the holder. Has a tendency to purify the area it is stored.
Place on the 3rd eye for enhanced intuition and foresight.
Place on throat chakra to release old vows, inhibition prohibition.

This stone strengthens the wearer and helps dissolve self sabotage.
Stimulates romantic love.
Excellent stone for those suffering from exhaustion, depression, and panic attacks.
Turquoise helps strengthen the body’s median energy fields, by improving the physical and psychic immune system.

Is known to physically improve the health of those suffering from cataracts, acts as an anti-inflammatory for those who have gout, rheumatism, may be detoxifying, may alleviate pain of cramps.

Makes an excellent elixir.

White turquoise can be used for all 7 chakras.

Tibetan turquoise is green and carries a slightly different vibration. It is especially useful for throat chakra blocks and suppressed self expression, (notes say; back down the ancestral line until the source is cleared.)

Known properties: peace, sleep, healing, purification, emotions, subconscious, women,cycles, fertility, creativity, abundance, mother, growth, love, female sexuality,money,

Energy: receptive
Birthstone: December, Sagittarius
Planets: Venus, Neptune
Element: Earth
Deity: Hathor, Buddha, the Great Spirit
Associated metal: gold
Placement: wrist, neck, finger, throat, third eye, solar plexus
Color meaning: refreshing, calming, feminine, sophisticated, wisdom, serenity, holiness, balance, creativity, friendship, luck, patience, intuition, loyalty, clears negative energy, clears electromagnetic smog.

Wearing helps dispel negative energy, protects from outside influences, balances and aligns chakras, helps stabilize mood swings and prevent panic attacks. Calms nerves for public speaking, helps with self realization. Provides balance towards empathetic humans.

Powers: proteco, love, friendship, luck, courage, money, healing

Ritual/magical lore: Navajo used ground turquoise and coral in creating sand paintings to bring rain to parched land. Southwest and Mexican indians used it to protect their dead within their tombs. The Pueblo laid a turquoise stone under the floors when homes or kiva was built. Apache shaman’s medicine bag always had a piece. Other Americans attached turquoise to their bow to ensure an accurate shot.

Magical uses: protection, turquoise carved horses and sheep were kept by Navajo as protent guardians against negative magic.

A turquoise ring is useful against the evil eye, diseases, serpent, poison, violence, any accident, all kinds of danger. A ring can promote courage.

Horse riders uses turquoise to adorn their sales to help protect against falls. This is a valuable stone for travelers, especially when venturing into political ventures. Carry for good fortune. Wear during a new moon to gain wealth.

Try holding turquoise in hand and visualize your money needs come free, move outside and look at the moon, then stone. Now keep stone with you as a reminder of your wish.

The use of rings, pendants and beads help promote health within the wearer. Turquoises may prevent migraines. This healing stone not only encourages marital well-being, harmony and love ; it can strengthen eyes, alleviate fever, reduce headaches.the wearer might also find themselves attracting new friends, become more even tempered and have an increased beauty about them.

Try visualing when the stone is pressed against your body your desire going into the stone and leaving the body. Now the stone is changed with entent. It will be a tool until it fade.

It says here on this note card, if love fads the stone will also. Maybe that’s why mines faded.

Turquoise is a stone you can change drinking water with to encourage healing water. This means you can also place it in your salt baths.

Tata 😘 jem

(This is not the only book I’ve read: update soon)
Crystal, Gem, and Metal magic. Scott Cunningham.

Go Ask Mom: The Mother

Isn’t she beautiful? The female influence is important towards all living beings. This card reminds us we all have the ability to nurture, create and mother, no matter which sex we are born physically. She is love, she is happy.

The Mother

She is full of unconditional love for humanity. Teaching us everyone has the ability to create life, to mother. Some may grow life in their womb, others may not be able to, that does not make them unable to create life within\out themselves or share joy, and kindness towards all God’s children. The feminine influence is important to All beings on earth, just as the masculine energy provides protection for Earth’s creatures, the feminine influence provides love and compassion to All who acknowledges the female energy within. All beings can be a mother and all beings need a mother.

The Mother Goddess suggests the native should look towards nature to connect with the nurturer within themselves. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground as you grow, towards your own goals and throughout your path towards happiness.

The mother will always be full of unconditional love for humanity.

Even if your mother is gone from your life, you can always find a strong female to look up to.

Have a nice weekend!
