How to Crochet a Hanging Hand Towel

How to Crochet a Hanging Hand Towel

I thought I would share how I crochet my hanging hand towels and handmade buttons. I use cotton yarn for my hanging hand towels; I feel that it doesn’t stretch out of shape as much as acrylic yarn does and you can wash them as you normally would wash hand towels.

Crochet pattern: easy

wpid-20140330_172758.jpgWhat you need:

  • Cotton yarn
  • Large eyed needle (one you can fit yarn through)
  • Hand towel
  • Crochet hook (any size will work I use, an “H” or “I” hook.)

My abbreviations:

  • Hdc: half double crochet
  • Sk st: skip stitch
  • Ch: chain

Any crochet stitch will work; I prefer the half double crochet. Remember if you use a smaller or taller stitch you will have a shorter or higher/longer project.

wpid-20140329_113721.jpgFirst, make about a 2 inch fold on either long side and then fold the top towards the bottom about ¼ of the way down. I like folding them like this because it makes the towel part a bit longer.

After you fold your hand towel you have to make 15 stitches with your needle and yarn across the width of the folded hand towel. Make sure you sew through the last loop you made each time. Kind of like a chain on the h

wpid-storageemulated0DCIMCamera2014-03-29-21.37.03.jpg.jpgand towel.

Now it is time to grab a hook.

Row 1: Attach your yarn to the towel with a slip stitch. Chain 2, 15 hdc across the towel. Turn.


First row

Row 2: ch 2, sk st, 13 hdc, sk st, 2 hdc, turn.

Row 3: ch2, sk st, 10 hdc, sk st, 2 hdc, turn,

Row 4-7: continue to decrease as you make your project taller.

Row 8: ch 2, sk st, 5 hdc, turn

Row 9-15: ch2, 5 hdc

Chain 4-8 chain stitches and fasten to the opposite side of the project.



Finished button

Button: (working in rounds)

Chain 5, connect to make a circle

Round 1: Hdc around the chain 10 times. Pull to make the middle as small as possible. Finish circle with a slip stitch.

Round 2: ch 2, hdc 10-15 times around the first round, finish off the button.

Sew button on the crocheted hand towel, tightly.wpid-storageemulated0DCIMCamera2014-03-29-21.42.14.jpg.jpg

Cut and sew in the ends.

You can also find all my crochet pieces on my Etsy store.

Happy Hooking,


Hump Day with Jem

I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself and blog by sharing a day in the life of ME, Jem. What better day then hump day?

Since all my children are off to school, I will make some sweet tea. AAaaa that’s better. Now it’s shower time.

I am part of the curly hair club. I finally found a way to keep my hair from being SUPER frizzy. I use DIY Baking Soda Shampoo & Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner – 100% Green & Effective! I have added a few things to my routine we will talk about later.

I have been so itchy lately so I used my Almond Cinnamon Oatmeal Milk and Honey soap.

 Almond Cinnamon Oatmeal Milk and Honey soap.

Almond Cinnamon Oatmeal Milk and Honey soap.

Click here to see it on Esty! I also used my own homemade body butter; it is still a work in process.

Today's To-do list

Today’s To-do list

Now it is time to write my to-do list out and get to work.

When I started cleaning the closet.

When I started cleaning the closet.

I have to clean out the closet under the stairs in order to get to my spring decorations. There isn’t much in the closet just seasonal clothes and decorations, along with the vacuums. Here is the before and after pictures.

Spring decorations out and everything back in the closet, nice and neat.

Spring decorations out and everything back in the closet, nice and neat.

Spring decorations put out, man I thought I had more. I must figure out what to do about that. Craft time (happy dance, yay, clap, clap!). Friday is Ostara (the first day of spring) this is the spring holiday we celebrate. Check out this link if you would like to know more about Ostara. I started boiling eggs so we can color them on Fun Fun Friday.

Lunch time, I had a salmon salad sandwich while watching my “soaps”, LOL. I am watching Desperate Housewives from S1:E1 on Netflix. I had to go to the bathroom and ended up cleaning the toilet, it happens with a family of 6, if mine needed done then so does little girls/guest bathroom.

I used Dr Bronner's Magic soap to clean my toilets.

I used Dr Bronner’s Magic soap to clean my toilets.

I used Dr Bronner’s Magic soap to clean my toilets.

On my way I found a pile of laundry to throw it in the washer. I used this laundry soap. As you can see I am easily distracted, at least I have clean toilets and laundry now.

After some yoga, making myself pretty and photo shoot of my soap, I did a bit of computer work. My Esty store, Jem’s Eclectic Home is now up and running. I am super excited to begin this adventure.

The kids are home now, so we are working on homework. My youngest is not feeling 100% so she will not be going to gymnastics tonight. My second youngest decided to skip gymnastics tonight to play with friends. This SAVES me 2 ½ hours of driving and sitting around. I am okay with that. We will still have leftovers tonight because it is trash night and I would like to clean out the fridge.

What will I do with my extra time at home? I will finish my to-do list, clean the kitchen (you saw my dirty stove) and finish this post.
