Go Ask Mom: The River of Sticks

The River Sticks

The furry man always takes his toll. No one can fool him. Release and let go of what holds you back/down. Even the deep secret things you don’t even journal about. The things you avoid. Doing it now will be easier then when you are reading it in your book of life as you sail down The River Of Sticks. Realizing it now is free but recognizing it then will cost you your two gold coins. Learn everything you can before your soul is recycled. Look within. Some say darkness fears light, though in the Valley Of Darkness only your own light can shine through.

Journaling Prompt: How do you feel about the accomplishments you’ve done over the last 6 months?

Readers Activity: is there something dimming your light? How can you brighten it?

JEM’s Diary Card’s: Ten of Pentacles

10 of pentacles happy ending, success will be had. If you put the hard work in.

This card isn’t full color, due to the fact that the native must design their own destination, their pot of gold. Success should be colored the way the beholder wants it to be.

Meaning, you have to decide what your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow really is, then color it your way, always remembering to not harm none.

This card is a horizontal laying card. Depending on the spread, it acts as a bridge card. Creating a bridge from one side of the reading to the other which would be the success path, creating a second story line option. Use appropriately. May bypass love.

Journaling Prompt: define success for your life. Not the entire family, just you personally. Now, how do you fill in the cauldron?

Reader activity: organize decks, do you have duplicates? Offer extra your favorite client.

Have a wonderful afternoon.


Herbal Buzz Words: Cooling Energetic


Taste: bitter

Tissue state: cold, depression

Actions: sedation, inflammation, modulating

Element: -∆ (neg. fire)

Dosha: vata or +Kapha
Yin/yang: – yang

Planets: Saturn

Plant examples: dandelion, Hawthorne, lemon balm, Oregon grape, elderberry, rose

Grounded Gardener: Eleuthero root

Eleuthero root
Eleutherococcus senticosus
Other names: Siberian ginseng
Herbal actions: mild adaptogen, nervine
Uses: helps the body adapt and withstand stress.
Promotes restful sleep, it is less stimulating as asian ginseng.
Shown to decrease testosterone significantly by increasing cortisol levels.

Dose: this herb is recommended to be taken for 6 weeks then 2 weeks off for long term use, due to how it trains the feedback loops within the body.

Decoction: simmer 1-2 tsp of powder in 12-16 oz water 20-30 minutes.
Tincture: 60-100drops (3-5ml) 1:4; 3×4 daily (David Winston & Steve Maines)
Capsule as instructed on label

Safety: take caution when using with clients with cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, insomnia

Go Ask Mom: Dream Lover

Dream Lover- dreaming of love and romance doesn’t get you the love and romance. Do the things that bring yourself joy, and love to fill your heart, bringing your dreams to the forefront.

Remember relationships can also mean jobs and new paths of life. Holding on to old flames can be ineffective in one’s growth. The past may not be who your actually dreaming of but just a familiar feeling filling the void only you can actually fill. Dreams of love, may just be letting you know you are needing more self-care and self-love. 

If you are dead set on having a new lover try journaling about what you want from a partner, know your sexual desires, acknowledge your expectations of a relationship. Get to know your own love language so you can best understand how to love your partner and yourself. Be sure it really is the relationship of your dreams.

Journaling Prompt is bolded above.

Readers activity: do something that new for your love life that differs from the normal.

JEM’s Diary Cards: 6 of Spheres.

Juggling the components of life can become all consuming and create a bunch of unwanted stress. Multi tasking can sometimes become exhausting causing health and wellness issues within our lives.

Being aware of the numerous people, places, and things pulling for our attention can only help our self care routine be stronger.

Journaling Prompt: what do you often feel you drop bounce juggle in your life?

Reader activity: which ball(s) can you hand off to someone else for a while?

Herbal Buzz Words: Warming Energetic


Tissue state: heat, excitation

Taste: pungent

Actions: carminative, diaphoretic, circulatory, stimulant

Element: excess fire

Dosha: pitta +

Yin/yang: +yang

Planets: sun, Mars
Planet examples: cayenne, prickly ash, ginger, fennel, St John’s wort, rosemary

Grounded Gardener: Skullcap

Scutellaria lateriflora

Mint family
Parts used: Arial

In north America folk medicine skullcap is used as a nervine tonic and sedative.

Eclectics used it for nervousness caused by physical and mental exhaustion.and functional cardiac disorders.

Modern day herbalist suggest skullcap for tension headache, migraines, insomnia, relief of stress and reducing anxiety. Nervous system exhaustion.

Herbal actions
Muscle relaxer
Mild sedation

Skullcap is known to help cap the crown chakra when there is an unbalance, this the reason it’s so useful for headache and sleep.

Infusions: 1-2 TSP to 8-10 oz of hot water steep at least 10 minutes.
Tincture: 60-80 drops (3-4) ml up to 4 times daily.

Pairs well with wintergreen, passionflower, rose.

Go Ask Mom: Worry

I picked this card because it was raining today. Nothing more than that. Although, I do find myself surrounded by worry or worry creators. I believe they enjoy creating the worry as fear mongoling does. This is why there is stormy clouds signifying misery. If misery love company so does worry.

Don’t allow the worry of others become yours. I’ve become isolated even more due to the fact that I refuse to worry about what others in my environment are worrying about. It’s become a very interesting journey trying to get this Go Ask Mom project completed. I thought for sure it’d be printed by now so that I could shuffle it and see what it even tells me but I’ve moved around a lot and couch surfed as I drew, inked, and colored it. I’ve worried through it, over it and about it. I’ve avoided others worry being able to continue to create it. There must be something about it now that it is all colored I feel no worry. I’m ready to start a new set of daily drawings and allow this one to help others through their shadow story or improving their reading skills. The story of Go Ask Mom is just truly starting to unfold it’s up to you to actually read it.


Not all worry is your own. Some worries are learned or taught. Be mindful of who you worry in front of, some humans are very susceptible to learning bad habits.(ancestral curses) Your thoughts go back into the universe, what you think is added to the collective good and bad. Dwelling on the negative sends negative energy back into the universe. Try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve learned the more worry you put back into the universe the more troubles set in to your own life.

In order to clear the energies within you, you must reduce the fogginess you hold before directing it back into the universe. Try visualizing your energy light-wave clear its self before giving it back to mother earth. Mother earth is our filter. She filters the energies of us humans then sends it back into the universe. When dirty energies are sent into the filter, the filter becomes dirty and over worked. Just as your oil filter in your car. The universe then has to send the dirty energies through other filters before directing it back to Earth and her natives. If you are only sending dirt towards the filters you will only receive mud back.  This does not only effect the people who draw from it.

Journaling Prompt: what are your thoughts on worry? What causes you the most worry?

Readers activity: create easy go to flash cards on how to ward off worry.

Go Ask Mom: The Big Test

Go Ask Mom: The Mother

Ets Story Part 2: Independence Day


JEM’s Diary Cards: Chained Bounding

I’ve been trying to name and explain this one all week. I believe it is the two of swords, although it’s also like eight of swords. There is writing on the back of the card that talks about it being the end of our first summer during covid_19, and how people were feeling stuck and prisoners to their own home and area with no place to go. Many protests seemed like they always ended in violence. The campaigning was coming to an end and we had two choices and neither seemed correct, due to all the chaos that had been created over the last four years I was deep into my studies.

The figure in this card is bruised, dirty and chained to a prison wall. Decisions can sometimes make us feel like prisoners in our own head. We should be aware of how we allow ourselves and others to bind us to things that are out of our control. Don’t give your power away to things enough to feel like this character in the card’s image.

Journaling Prompt: do you have a decision to make that you’ve been putting off?

Reader’s Activity: look back at your readings from this time period years back. A year or two. How has your readings come along since then?