Tears of Love Meets the Archer

A lot of bad things have happened in the last 3 decades, they are almost incomprehensible to normal people without using similar Hollywood styled examples. Even in training the use of video games was often used. Holding all of it in can cause a build up within the body’s alignment electrically, emotionally, digestively, physically, and even down to a macro level. This is why I drew Stress Tumors. Letting the truth come freely from one’s most inter closets within each component of life can allow the new generation to learn to love freely free from pain and suffering.

When you’re as crunchy as I was, there wasn’t much other than my own art to release from the most inter depths, others might just have to clean out a kitchen to feel the Tears of Love well up within them. This release is actually very important in multiple levels of health and wellness but I enjoy keeping it to the most mundane physical sense as possible, keep that woowoo stuff behind the scenes time. TENSION causes pain, fights, and lack of motivation, the release of emotional feelings allows the nerves within the physical body to fire more smoothly that’s why they suggest crying is good for the soul, but it releases tension within the chest neck and head areas allowing the heart, mind, and digestive systems to balance their actions.

Allowing these actions to start talking one must meet The Archer. No matter which component you decide to work towards balancing first it will always be the center of attention and trickle out towards other components allowing a harmonic lifestyle to emerge.

Disclaimer: Anchoring yourself to a person during shadow work is important.

Read other sort posts by clicking below.

JEM’s Dairy Cards: Tears of Love

JEM’s Diary Cards: The Archer

Go Ask Mom: Knight of Wands

Go Ask Mom: Stress Tumors

What’s in a Word?

Love by Violet McCoy

Can you have wellness and chronic pain?

Would you like to be my next Sketch?

Would you like to be my next Sketch?

The Go Ask Mom diary cards sketch book showcases the happenings globally in art by listening and characters drawing. The making of the series started here.

Here’s a few examples of completed drawings.

NOW you can be characterized too. Schedule a listen to me and Sketch session for as little as $45 per half hour.

OR there’s a second option;

To create yourself a whole bunch of fun with Book now to create a coloring book style creation personalized to your clients needs by scheduling a.

Draw a daily sketch while listening to your channel 30-60 minutes weekly:



11×14 or larger painting created with watercolor, acrylic etc can be requested. PTBD

What do you get?

30 minutes of video watching with comments and whatever original piece of art comes out of it. You pick the size. Customer receives a Copyright letter to create whatever print style and size as per desired want from original piece, and one digital scan.

Custom art projects can be created, jemdreamz1214@gmail.com contact for estimate.

About the Artist: https://wordpress.com/page/jemseclectichome.wordpress.com/1023

More about Go Ask Mom diary cards:


Go Ask Mom: Alignment

Getting to know yourself better series can be found 👇

Can you have wellness and chronic pain?

Can You Have Love After a Break-up?

The 6 Components of Wellness: Physical Health

Getting to Know Yourself better:

Reflections Week 2

The 6 Components of Wellness: Spiritual Health

Why Reflection Season is Important.

Go Ask Mom: Dice

Games have been played for 1000s of years. Whether it be card or dice games they all lead back to predicting and gambling in all classes of society. They do lottos for cash, land and other properties in most cultures. The materials first used to make the divination tools are always the same, bone, stone and metals and continue to show signs of growth as humans knowledge of product production matures.

Games of chance are always fun when you’re winning.Gambling in the modern era has become highly popular online and within offices with sites like FanDuel and fantasy football leagues. This allows it to be normalized for all ages, this allows addicts to lose fight from the privacy of their own toilet. Are you prepared to lose it all? If so, why not take a chance?

Journaling Prompt: what’s your favorite non-gambling dice or card game? Does it come with house rules? Are you sure its roots aren’t historically linked to the gambling arts?

Go Ask Mom: Check Mate

JEM’s Diary Cards: Ace of Wands

Go Ask Mom: Circus Carnival

Go Ask Mom: Wishing Seeds

It’s widely known that wishes and spells are just prayers in disguise. We all make them on a candle placed on a cake yearly to date or when the first star shines bright at night.

Wishes come as we blow and dandelion seeds set off the flow of our wish we do bestow. Have you seen the wishing seeds floating all around?

Working towards the dreams you wish to accomplish within this life time can cause magical thinking and cause us to forget about doing the mundane things in life.

When one speaks a prayer or wish, one must continue to work towards the end goal they had in mind, over use of manifestation techniques can cause a blockage within the energy waves causing a disruption within the communication with one’s higher powers, allowing wishes to become distorted, forgotten, and left on read.

Giving yourself time to catch up to the hard work is most important towards manifesting your dreams. Spells and prayers are answered over and over again if we allow ourselves time between new wishes. Give it time to return what you’ve already asked for and blessings will be found both towards the left and the right.

Journaling Prompt: Do you remember the last wish you wished before blowing out a candle? Did it come true? Would you wish again?

This picture makes me think of this song. https://youtu.be/y7KAiJpoMD8

Go Ask Mom: Check Mate

Go Ask Mom: Roadtrip

*Go Ask Mom: All Seeing Eye

*Go Ask Mom: All Seeing Eye

Who is in charge of the all seeing eye when we all allow the apps to see inside?

Is it you, is it me that they paparazzi?

Whatcha doing watching me, watch you?

Do you ever wonder who the evil eye is bought to protect them from? Is it them or is it you does their family come from a zoo?

Do you think that symbol protects from the flu?

Camera one and camera two, now let’s add the next few, here and there; oh dear me, now they are everywhere. Did they install them as a pair?

Who is in charge of the eye of might who sits up high and so bright?

Is it you, is it me that they paparazzid?

Believe in love, not sin.

JEM’s Diary Cards: Sparkling Cups

Go Ask Mom: Pocket Watch

Our modern day pocket watches are now our phones. I don’t own a clock or watch just my car clock that doesn’t hold time and my phone. So, I am always asking others what time it is, do to the no devices being allowed inside Dutch Wonderland policy, coworkers and customers often have wifi watches or pull out their cell phones also. Is watchmaking a dying art?

The change we’ve all accepted on how we tell time is no different then accepting any change that is happening throughout our lives and world around us. Sayings like times are changing, it’s time for change, be the change, and change the time has been used for decades, yet the collective believes most changes happening since the pandemic are unacceptable.

Now is the time it is happening and present is where we should be. It’s time to ground the egos and keep moving forward.

Journaling Prompt: keep track of time in a different way, when you become hungry, tired, wake; take notice to what time of day it is. In 30 days you should be able to change your routine so the times are tracked.




Go Ask Mom: Heart Key

Giving away your heart key isn’t always the easiest thing for everyone to do. I understand why, rekeying a lock is very expensive and times taking.

I feel like I am jaded to talk about how its important to give your heart away to someone important, not just anyone and everyone. Why should someone in a divorce talk about heart matters? Then I remember Delilah she’s been talking love for decades. Being aware and not taking time before jumping right into the love stage of a relationship can speed up the dating process and getting to know the person enough to know whether or know their key even fits within your heart lock.

Journaling Prompt: write about what you love most about your life partner, best friend, job, hobby and children. What unlocks your heart?

Go Ask Mom: Circus Carnival

Go Ask Mom: Wound Tight

JEM’s Diary Cards: End Violence

Go Ask Mom: Wound Tight

When gears become wound to tight the object might stop working or even snap. This often takes very talented people to fix the broken toy.

Journaling Prompt: What’s your favorite childhood toy? Have you gotten all your childhood stuff from your parents and grandparents house? What will you do with the past things?

Go Ask Mom: Circus Carnival

It’s the 20th week of the year 2023.

Delightments are being thrown all around at that big silly clown. One thump here, two thumps there, oh no here comes another dump that well cross the hump all the way to the top of the daily circus we call life.

There is a saying explaining how to stay out of other peoples drama and such; ‘not my circus, not my flying monkeys’ but what happens when they are?

One often must decide which act fits and which act does not. History books keep track of the characters that come and go, story books give us something to imagine what could be, and movies entertain us.

Characters explained in these three posts below might have been in your life at one point in time, or will be.

JEM’s Diary Cards: Jack of Spheres

JEM’s Diary Cards: Jack of Spheres

JEM’s Diary Cards: The Jester

Journaling Prompt:

Enjoying what is in the adventure is most important. When was the last time you’ve been to a circus? What do you remember?

Summer is coming which adventures with you encounter?

Go Ask Mom: Spaded Heart Flame

There is always more to the story then meets the eye. You have this side and that side. What’s inbetween seems to be the gray zone or grey lie. You got your little white lies and your dark lies mix them together and you have gray.

Does this create a healthy mentality? Does this work when you replace the word lie with truth, in the above paragraph?

What’s this card mean to you?Other ideas this could mean:

A love hate situation could be seen when this card appears.

Emperor/lord of fire love

Heart or spades

Here’s some other Daily art to help give you journaling ideas. Follow the links below 👇


Planet Profile: Jupiter

Go Ask Mom: Sleeping Fairy

Spiritual Buzz Words

Interesting in donating to Go Ask Mom? Click here to the artist’s PayPal profile.

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