JEM’s Diary Cards: Ace of Spheres

Unity integrity completeness

Scrying into a crystal ball is like predicting who’s going to become the next world leader. Time and decisions changes outcomes forecasted. Issues always move in a 360° direction the sphere can show a globe full of possibilities. Either way unity is what holds the integrity of any family, nation, or group.

Without onesness there cannot be completion. To many cooks in the kitchen spoils the direction of the meal just as s project can seem overwhelming with organized thinking can help a project finish a grow.

Every step of the way counts just as a sphere is evenly round, it can see all directions of the ending in due time.

Do you use marbles, spheres, or other round items to figit with? That’s scrying. When you sit and think about something with an item to focus your attention while allowing your attention to ponder. Looking into it, allowing light to shine about it can give you the most beautiful visions and ideas.

Journal about your favorite figit or scrying tool. And why.tones id:

Stones ideas and sale:

JEM’s Jewels: Pearls

JEM’s Jewels: Crazy Lace Agate

JEM’s Jewels: Agate

Go Ask Mom other quick reads:

JEM’s Diary Cards: Diamonds

JEM’s Diary Cards: Jack of Spheres

JEM’s Diary Cards: Balance Points

JEM’s Diary Cards: Anchoring Ones Self

JEM’s Diary Cards: Leap Frog

I totally drew this card as a birthday card to my best friends son who has a February 29th birthday. I can’t lie about it. It still works within the diary card oracle deck do to the meaning of lily pads and frogs.

This could show longevity of life leaping from one important assignment to another. Gathering as much knowledge as one can to become a master of his own passions and mystories.

Like one playing frogger you must quickly decide which direction your personal path so fly.

Journaling Prompt: journal about a person family or thing that has kept you most alive during the 2020to present time. These are your forget-me-not people.

These are a branch of your family tree. In your book of shadows create a family tree.

This was an assignment for a herbal class I took. You can pick a topic and link your knowledge back to keep it pure, if you do it right you might have a forest of those who have helped give you light to walk the path of the enlight.

PS: happy birthday weather kid.

JEM’s Diary Cards: Five of Flowers

Waiting for the time and financially situations to be right always has someone dreaming for more out a window.

Its okay to take time to make your goals become complete. Give yourself the ability to enjoy the journey while getting there.

How do you stop and smell the roses?

JEM’s Diary Cards: Caduceus

The Caduceus and Rod of Asclepius are often used to signify medical institutions or organizations and those who communicate medical science around the world. I searched the creeds and symbles for herbalist, we have one also. Just not as noticed.

The scepter of life symbol.

Compassion is needed for some people within the health care system after traumatic experiences. Who do those people turn to?

Journaling Prompt: Over the next 30 days practice being more compassionate with yourself. Journal each day about how you saw yourself with compassionate eyes. Schedule a reminder if you have too.


JEM’s Jewels: Garnet

Garnet generates a abundance of Friendship, connection, networking, and love within the natives life. It attractive nature specializes in passionate things that cause growth within the heart chakra and root, which give a sense of belonging and wealth.

The birth stone of the month of January is often mistaken for ruby and vice versa. The value of the two true stones are comparable in market value depending on the weight, size, and shape. Lab created causes a very slightly different frequency and cost much less.

These are beneficial for Capricorns to stay grounded but not overly bullheaded.

Go Ask Mom: Best Face Forward

When putting your best face forward one most show trueness. The use of false identities, filters, costumes, and buzzwords to attract and mesmerise the masses often creates a foundation of manipulations.

Your best face forward doesn’t have to lie or hid or change to shine bright like a goddess or empress.

What part of life do you shy away from sharing on your public and private Facebook or other social media platform pages the most? Explain why.

Click here to donate to the printing of Go Ask Mom, even just a $1 gets one card printed.

Go Ask Mom: The Mother

Go Ask Mom: Graduation Day’s

JEM’s Diary Cards: Queen of Cups

JEM’s Diary Cards: Princess of Cups

Chosing your path and coming out about who you are take courage, understanding of self, and a pure heart to become fully true to yourself. With proper mental health care and attention to ones needs a native can fill her own cup, although is still in need of support, guidance, and love to continue the next chapter of forward towards the unseen.

The puller of this card should be aware of how easily it is to give love that is unreturned while searching for the correct one. Mermaids often get caught to soon in life.

Journaling Prompt: has there been a time in life you felt super great about but still wanted someone to talk to about it? How did you cope?

Do you often turn to gossip to vent or start conversations? Is it enjoyable or avoidable?

Grounded Gardener: Wild Raspberry

Rubus idaeus

Family: Rosaceae/ rose

Location: Can now be found all around north America’s within Forest. Part shade part sun. Moist to dry soil

Blooms: white snd yellow toned rounded petaled star shaped Flowers may to July for harvest. They will become quick bird food once ripeness of their red berries appears early fall.

The thorned red stems can grow up to 4 feet tall and be shaped go climb if someone is brave enough to endure the prickly maintenance. These plants are considered perennial and woody.

Edible: yes

Parts uses: leaves, flowers, berries

Used for: Balancing hormones for skin conditions and menstrual cycles. It is a favorited herb for females health concerns. But can be used in other ways to sooth tension within the nervous and muscular skeletal systems, it’s just less used this way. Which is why its in the rock star mom tea linked below.

The most common use is postpartum and period time to help regulate hormones and ease uterine cramping. It also can be paired with specific herbs to ease night sweats, digestive bloating and craming within men’s health to specifically if they’ve lived a high stress lifestyle, like First responders, active duty, and veterans due to its gentle ability to calm stess response.

Mild nervine, mild tonic, spring tonic, digestive support, nutritive,

Preparations: leaf- dry or fresh leaves can be used for infusions water, oil, and alcohol based. Berries can be ate fresh, frozen, dried, juices, preserved and more.

Below are some typical uses for raspberry leaf or posts that pair well.

Mother’s Milk Tea

Rock Star Mama Tea

JEM’s Herbal Homemade: Baby Wipes

Grounded Gardener: Chamomile

JEM’s Plant Stand: Nettle Patch

JEM’s Plant Stand: The What’s That Game

I see a lot at these plant stand I visitsthings like, condoms, bananas, flossers, rocks, and trash. When something catches my eye I get to play the what’s that game, it’s often an animal or plant that catches my attention with the brightest colors, sounds, and movements.

Some of these plants are now part of this habitat from the disposal of house plants, potted yard plants, and animals speading seeds, filling the forest with color and fragrance. Recipes and memories float around as I just sit and enjoy the land, processing all the knowledge I crammed in during the transition from military to civilian life along with my herbal studies journey. I’m so grateful for the advancements of google image and herb searches. Right as I snap a digital specimen I can know its benefits.

Sometimes I sit, sometimes I stroll around and ponder, what is that over there yonder, what knowledge does it hold. Oh look there goes a helicopter and a bird in a tree. There’s movement all around in the sky, on the ground, it seems the cyber changes are working sound.

Sometimes I find a treasure to keep, sometime I find a sight that might make some weep. Like this snake that is trapped in the grass reseeding plastic net sheet. Sights like this help teach and honor the circle of life.

Seeds and eggs turn into life and as they grow they share a lesson to sow,

Some are forgotten and some must hide, but forever the adventure they will shine.

Within the next few weeks the plants pictured above will be posted on my digital material Medica. Below are more herbal reads. To donate to the adventure click here.

JEM’s Plant Stands: Nature Stake Out

JEM’s Plant Stand: Plastic Leaves

Grounded Gardener: Hawthorne

Grounded Gardener: Purple Dead Nettle

Grounded Gardener: Tulips

Herbal Buzzwords: Excitation

When tissues are functioning on a high speed.

Hyper- hyperthyroidism, hypertension, hypersensitivity

Associated with heat- symptoms – allergies, sharp pain, fever, swelling, redness, rapid pulse, increase blood pressure

Use: cooling or antiinflammatories herbs. Like licorice, chamomile, peppermint