Grounded Gardener: Chamomile

Chamomilla recutita syn. Matricaria Chamomilla
Chamomile, camomile, Scented mayweed, Chamomilla, German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, wild chamomile, Corn feverfew,

Family: Asteraceae or Compositae
TCM name: Haung Chu Ju
Native Reign: Southern and Eastern Europe
Geographic distribution: Asia, Australia, Europe, India, New Zealand, North and South America.
Botanical description/Gardening/harvesting guidelines:
Chamomile is a low-growing, self-seeding flowering annual. (Some species like Roman chamomile are known to be perennial) Most species’ flowers grow as a single flower head, although some types of roman chamomile are known to produce double flower heads. The delicate white ray petals are arranged in a circular pattern around a bright yellow disk flower center. The flower heads grow from a hairy upright, branching stalk among feathery light green leaves. Roman Chamomile has a more parsley like leave shape. The entire plant has a wonderful aroma and sweet taste that reminds many of apples and/or pineapples.
All species like full sun to part shade, moderate water and well-drained soil. They can be grown in clay, sandy or acidic soil. They grow well in zones 3-8. In the spring sow seeds 8-10 inches apart, directly where you want them to grow. Since it is known to jump around a bit plants should be thin out as needed. Chamomile can grow up to 3 feet high in perfect conditions and they should bloom well into the summer. Once your plant goes to seed, it will start to die off, you can replace the bald spot in your garden or allow it to self-seed for an autumn harvest. They can continue to self-seed for multiple years. Chamomile plants do not enjoy very hot summers but could flower less when planted in partly shaded areas. Regular flower head harvest encourages more blossom growth. Chamomile pairs well with roses and catnip. Place chamomile near sick plants to help them return and maintain health. Try water young plants with cooled chamomile tea to help them take root. Chamomile grows well in containers, nooks, crannies and corners. As a creeping plant they often are used as ground cover or walkway boarders. When walked on or crushed they release a calming sweet aroma. The wonderful sweet apple-like scent attracts bees and other pollinators.
Harvesting Guidelines: Best harvested in mid-morning after the morning dew has evaporated from the foliage and flower heads. Gather the newer growth and flowers as petals start to turn back pushing the yellow center outward but before the white ray’s brown or wilt. Harvesting flower heads will encourage more blooms.
Constituents: Coumarins, Flavonoids (rutin), glycosides, sesquiterpenes, salicylates, cyanogenic, tannins, quercetin, volatile oils (proazulenes), alerianic acid
Action: Anti-allergenic, Anti-depressants, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Anti-spasmodic, Anxiolytic, Anti-emetic, Bitter, Carminative, Nervine, Vulnerary
Energy: Cooling
Tissue state:
Taste: Bitter, Sweet, Apple-like
Uses: Chamomile herbal tea was used for many centuries as a cure all. Today it is still a favorite go to for irritability, hypersensitivity to pain, digestive ailments, Sleeplessness, fever, oral health, women’s health, earaches, migraines, gout, rheumatic pains and it is a perfect herb for children to use. Breathing in chamomile infused steam may scale down hay-fever, mild asthma or headaches symptoms.

Digestive health: Chamomile tea soothes upset stomachs, gas, diarrhea, colic and cramping. Daily use of tea or tincture can improve IBS symptoms.

Mental health: The use of chamomile herb and/or essential oil can be helpful to calm nerves, anxiety, hyperactivity, irritability, anger and temper tantrums. (Lockie. 46) When paired with other nervines or sedatives it can reduce mild symptoms of depression. (eg. passionflower, catnip, and/or lavender) Sweeten chamomile tea with honey to relieve shock.

Sleep health: Through chamomile’s calming properties it is a popular sleep helper. The use of herbs and essential oils can help induce sleep in restless minds. Use for insomnia, restlessness, sleeplessness and for quality of sleep.

Oral health: Toothache and teething pain can be reduced with a chamomile mouth wash, tea or tincture. Gargling chamomile preparations can promotes the recovery of gum disease, mouth inflammations or sore throats. (Steel. 80)

Women’s Health: Through the use of chamomile’s antispasmodic properties you can calm menstrual pains. Not only will it soothe cramping, it can also help with lessening emotional PMS symptoms. Add chamomile in your bath or use a cooled infusion as a rinse to alleviate vaginal itching and irritation.

The use of chamomile infusions during pregnancy may help with morning sickness, improve sleep and strengthening uterine tissues. Chamomile can be used after labor as well. “Clupeper the 17th century English Herbalist, advocated chamomile for strengthening the uterus especially after an arduous labor.” ( Lockie 46) Drinking chamomile tea will assist with relieving postpartum symptoms by soothing nerves, calming stress and tension, increase quality of sleep and reduces breast feeding issues. (Lockie 262) New mothers can find pain relief by placing chamomile compresses on sore or raw nipples.

Infants and children: Chamomile is one of herbalist’s favorite herbs to use with common childhood aliments. With the correct dosage you can use chamomile to settle tiny tummies from gas, colic, cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. As well as hush irritability, temper-tantrums and hyperactivity in fussy little minds. Chamomile is a healthy way to improve your child’s sleep when they are suffering from sleeplessness. It can also be used to pacify fever, earache and teething pain. Ingesting chamomile while breastfeeding can be one way to introduce chamomile’s wonderful properties to infants.

Beauty and skin: Chamomile can subdue painful sunburn, insect bites and stings. As a tea or salve you can utilize it to diminish inflammation and itching of eczema, rashes or dry skin. Lotions, salves and ointments made with chamomile herb or essential oil can promote healthy skin cell growth in wounds and abrasions.

You can also lighten hair with the use of Chamomile tea by using it to rinse hair or as a leave in spray. The sun helps to speed up results.
Magical/Spiritual uses: Leo, Sun, water, Throat chakra, money, love, peace, tranquility, purification, increases luck.
Preparations: Use herb fresh or dry, Infused oils, Tincture, Tea, Steams, Bath soak, Salve
Safety: Use caution with German Chamomile when taking contraceptive drugs, estrogen pills or other medications that pass through the liver, sedative medications, and blood thinners. Always dilute essential oils and perform a skin test when first trying new products. Chamomile may cause contact dermatitis in some people. May want to avoid use if allergic to other plants in the Compositae family.
Dosages: All dosages provided are formulated for adult use unless specified differently. Always make sure you are using correct dosages for infants and children.
Tincture: 1-4ml, 1:5 in 40%, 3 times daily
Tea: 2-3 teaspoons, Steeped in 8 oz of water for 10 minutes, 3-4 times a day
Steams: 2 tsp flowers or 5 drops of essential oil in pot of steaming water.
Bath soak: 4-5 drops of essential oil to bath; 1 cup of infusion to baby’s bath or ½ cup dried herb to bath water. (Place loose herbs in a mesh bag or mismatched sock to alleviate free floating herbs)
1. Making Plant Medicine. Richo Cech. 2016
2. The Herbal Handbook, A User’s Guide to Medical Herbalism. David Hoffmann. 1998
3. Herb Gardening. Patricia Hopkinson. 1994
4. The Secret Craft of the Wise, Magical Herbalism. Scott Cunningham. 2002
5. Home Herbal. Susannah Steel. Dorling Kindersley Limited. 2011
6. The Herb Book. Arabella Boxer and Philippa Back. 1990
7. Natural Health Encyclopedia of Homeopathy. Dr. Andrew Lockie. Stephanie Farrow. Dorling Kindersley. 2000
8. Chamomile (German). Herbarium. The Herbal Academy. 2017
10. Chamomile. Annie’s Remedy. 2005-2016
12. Chamomile. East West Healing Academy. 2017
14. Chamomile. Witchipedia the online encyclopedia of witchcraft, paganism and the occult. 2017
15. Chamomile flower. The Flower Expert. 2005-2011
16. Chamomile. Edible Wild Food. 2011-2017
17. Chamomile. 2016

How to Control Your Eczema Holistically

Before we can start to control eczema we need to understand what exactly eczema is.

Eczema is the common name for Atopic Dermatitis, which is described as a chronic itchy skin condition. Skin may be very dry, red, inflamed, scaly or even flaky. Sometimes the affected areas can split become cracked or ooze. Some individuals with eczema notice that their skin darkens and hardens after scratching. Most people experience eczema on or near the areas of their body that folds, bends or creases. These places include elbows, scalp, clothing line areas and knees. Eczema can flare up in a sort of revolving cycle or when left untreated can persist for a long period of time. It is prominent in children but some people can suffer from eczema flare ups all their life. There can be a tendency for affected individuals skin to come overgrown by bacteria. Eczema is a common condition that effects 2-7% of our population (Murray & Pizzorno, 582). Not only is it painful and irritating but it can cause some emotional discomfort too.

What causes eczema?

Studies have shown that eczema can be an allergic disease, hereditary condition or an immune system abnormality. Most, if not all affected individuals, test positive in allergy tests and studies have shown that 80% of eczema patients serum IgE (an allergic antibody) levels are elevated. The reason for this is because their Type 2 Helper T cells(a type of white blood cells) have an increased activity. This, in return, causes the Mast cells (a specialized white blood cell) of eczema patient’s skin to have abnormalities causing an elevated level of histamine and other allergy-related compounds to be released. The elevated histamine levels are what causes the inflammation and itching skin symptoms. Another abnormality in the immune system that can affect eczema troubles is the inability to kill off bacteria. This causes an over growth of bacteria on the skin. Scratching an overgrown bacteria colonies on the skin leads to a higher risk of skin infections like Staph., Herpes virus and common wart viruses.

A family history of eczema has been recognized as a possible reason why individuals may develop eczema. About 2/3’s of patients with eczema have family members who also suffer from either this condition or asthma. Paired along with the possible immune dysfunction there may be a major genetic defect that appears in the production of Filaggrin, a protein that promotes proper integrity and moisture in our skin.

Another large contributor to eczema may be food allergies. Studies have shown 81% of cases in childhood eczema has improved with the withdrawal of food allergens like egg, soy, cow’s milk, nuts, fish and wheat. While another study shows that 60% of cases improved with the elimination of one or two of these types of foods. Having a food allergy can cause your gut flora to become under nourished. When your gut flora is not properly nourished it can cause an unhealthy production of yeast in the gastrointestinal tract influencing an eczema flare up. A poorly flourishing gut flora colony can also cause your immune system to work improperly.

Eczema may be caused by allergies to shampoos, soaps, lotions, perfumes, hair products, cleaning products and agents, and detergents. This can be caused by dyes, fragrances and other skin irritating ingredients.

What can help to improve eczema flare ups?

Get tested for allergies:
Allergy tests preformed by a medical professional are the best way to find out what may be causing your allergic reaction(s).
Another more economical option is an elimination test. An elimination test may be done on your own or with the guidance of someone who is experienced with this type of process.
Change your diet
Reducing the foods that are known to cause allergic reactions.
You should also stay away from foods other family members have known allergies to.
You may want to stay away from processed foods. This helps provide healthy nutrition to your gut flora.
You may also consider increasing the intake of probiotics, fresh and healthy foods and essential fatty oils.
Use health conscious body and cleaning products
Staying away from products that contain skin irritating ingredients like dyes, fragrances, SLS, parabens, isopropyl alcohol, and synthetic preservatives can have a positive effect on eczema symptoms.
Use moisturizers that create a barrier on the skin to keep moisture in. Ingredients like bees wax, mango butter, shea butter and cocoa butter are very nourishing to the skin and helps provide a barrier to lock in moister.
Here is a way to create your own eczema salve
Here is where you can find some already created.
You can utilize teas, tinctures and body care products that contain herbs or herbal extracts to help improve your symptoms.
Here is where you can find out what herbs help eczema
Essential Oils
Are also helpful at reducing the time frame of an eczema flare ups and can be substituted into many green, natural cleaning supplies.
Here you can find out what oils can help.

Atopic Dermatitis is a common condition that effects the lives of a large part of our population. Eczema flare ups can cause people to feel uncomfortable in their own skin and affects everyone differently. Eliminating irritating foods and irritating ingredients can help you find the underlying cause. Finding the underlying cause of your eczema can improve your symptoms by decreasing the frequency and duration of a flare up. The use of herbs, essential oils and healthy moisturizers can help sooth and reduce the severity of symptoms and support the immune system. Trying these holistic ways to improve eczema can keep flare ups at bay and improve your quality of life.

Check out other posts you might enjoy if you suffer from skin conditions below.

Michael T. Murray, N.D. & Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Third Edition. July 2012
Amanda Klenner. Herbs for Skin Part 2: Common Skin Disorders. The Herbarium. The Herbal Academy, 2017.
Skin Conditions and Eczema. WebMD, LLC. 2005-2017
Eczema. University of Maryland Medical Center. 2017

Grounded Gardener: Calendula

Latin Name: Calendula officinalis

Common names: Pot marigold, marigold, English garden marigold 

Family: Asteraceae

Ayurvedic Name: Zergul

TCM name: Jin Zhan Ju

Native Region: South central Europe, North Africa

Geographic Distribution: World spread

Botanical Description:  Flower heads are 1-3 inches across which have a central cluster of tubular flowers surrounded by several rows of ray florets. Usually bright in colors of orange, yellow and sometimes red. The stalk supports many branching stems and oblong medium green leaves can grow 3-6 inches long. The plant can grow up to 2 feet in height. 

Parts used: Flowers and oils

Harvesting Guidelines: Plants bloom from spring to fall if you continuously pick the blossoms. Use dry or fresh.

Constituents: Flavonoids, Saponins, Triterpenes, Volatile oils, Mucilage, Essential oils and Resin (calendulin)  

Uses: Wound and tissue healing *internally and externally* Cuts, burns, bites, sprains, rashes, sunburns, abrasions, diaper rash. Also relieves pain and soothes itches.

Tea and salve helps with side effects of radiation therapy and skin toxicity.

Digestive system: supports the gallbladder and liver. By stimulating bile and digestive enzymes.  Internally for inflammation conditions in digestive tract like ulcers, gastric reflex, diarrhea, irritable Bowl syndrome (IBS)

Immune stimulant- Antibacterial and antiviral( Colds, Flu, Herpes viruses, infectious pathogens. 

Removes toxins from the body. Keeps Lymph system moving.

Chicken pox, measles, virus erupt skin, conjunctivitis (pink eye), athlete’s foot, jock itch, and yeast overgrowth.

Regulates menstruation- relieves pain, cramping, tension, and menopausal symptoms. 

Can also be used to lighten hair or as a yellow dye.

Magical uses: Love, good for weddings, love potions, dream pillows, a wreath hung over the door keeps evil and negativity from entering. Sun.


  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-viral
  • Cholagogue
  • Diaphoretic
  • Emmenagogue
  • Lymphatic
  • Immune stimulant
  • Vulnerary

Taste: Bitter

Energy: Warming, Drying, Soothing, Demulcent

Preparations: Infused vinegar, salves, tea, tincture, infused oils


  • Tincture: 1-4 ml, 1:5 in 60%, 3 times daily
  • Tea: 1-2 teaspoons, steep 10-15 minutes in 8oz water, 3 times daily

Safety: No internal use with pregnancy; may promote contractions.


Making Plant Medicine. Richo Cech. 2016

The Herbal Handbook, A User’s Guide to Medical Herbalism. David Hoffmann. 1998

Calendula. Herbarium. The Herbal Academy. 2017

Calendula. Annie’s Remedy. 2005-2016

Zurgal. Ayurleaf Herbals. 2012-2017