Houses of Health

The 4 primary houses in regards to health; 1st, 6th, 8th, 12th

Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces

1st house: Ascendent- primary inregards to determining the physical Constitution of an individual. Over all forms, first energy introduced at first. Persons, physical nature, ehat the body needs, underlining, organ systems and tissues, as well as vital force; how are bodu respons to stressors, survival tendencies; what planets? If no planets in the first house make note of its mode, elements and planet ruler.

6th house: directly below the assendent line. Ascendent location, fundamental indication: organs, systems, or tissue of the body.

Predisposed, symptomology, defico, pathology, general health, rythn and energy or our daily life. Corresponds with our work and quality of work, suitable to us.

Planets: indication of body or pathological patterns your predisposed to.

8th house: house of sex, death, the occult. Scorpio rule this house of transformational healing, potential chronic desease, fixed in body more deeply. Surgery, death, chronic illness, as well as one ablity to heal and diagnose.

12th house: the house of drawn shades. Spiritual, what’s hidden away, to hinder, physical congress, sleep. Lack if boundaries, hidden, energy leakage, invisible disease, hexes, black magic, sorcery, subtle irrational imbalances.

Neptune, and Pisces

Grounded Gardener: Angelica

Garden Angelica, European Angelica, holy ghost, wild parsnip, wild celery, masterwort

Angelica archangelica

Part’s uses: all parts, food, spice, and medicine. Harvest roots the first year after flowering. After removing the outer layer, stems can be eating like celery.

Rich in nutrients and Volatile oils.

Root contains: phellandrene, terpenes, coumarin, and coumarin derivatives, ostnol, angelicin, and archangelicin

For 1000s years it’s been protected in Iceland by law from over harvesting. The use of this plant is dated back to the time of the Vikings.

Warming bitter

Digestive system: stimulates appetite, improves digestion, soothes colic, lowers gas, increase strong acid

Blood circulation

respiratory system: bronchitis asthma, lung support, runny nose the plague

May help Reduce fever, and other common cold symptoms. Supportive in clients with urinary tract infections, and dyspeptic complaint.

Due to it’s circulation regulating properties it can improve stagnation in the joints in clients that suffer from arthritis.

Could be added to sleep bends*more research needed at this time

The flower essences may help Reduce nervousness.

Can be used as a dying product.

Planet Profile: Sun

The god, center of life, giver of life and light, center of the solar system, gravitational center, the center of psyche, center of life force, the care of who we are.

Day: Sunday
Constitution: pitta, choleric
Balancing planets: moon and Saturn
Energetics: warming and drying
Tissue state: excess: heat/ excitation, dry/ atrophy
Deficiency: Cole/ depression
Organs: heart, cardiovascular system, blood(2nd)
Body System: circulatory
Tissue: plasma
Herbal actions: cardio tonic, circulation, stimulant, adaptogen, aromatic, resinous
Chakra: 4 and 3
Element: fire
Mineral: gold
Planet examples: crataegus, leonurus, calendula

Sumerian: bisebi
Jyotisa: surya
Norse: sunni
Greek: Apollo
Egyptian: Ra
Babylonian: shamash
Christian: Jesus

Planet Profile: Jupiter

Is the largest of the outer planets that can be seen with the naked eye.. Has 67 confirmed moons and a dust ring. The Great Storm is the large red spot on Jupiter and is said to have a wind speed of 500 miles per hour. The belts and zones that make up Jupiter’s appearance roasted around the planet in opposite directions. Jupiter emits more heat that it takes from the sun. It is much smaller than our sun but might act as one some day.
Jupiter’s known as the destroyer of comets, due to it’s gravitationally pulled paired with Saturn; these two guardian planets often throw space trash and other heavenly bodies out of our solar system away from planet Earth.

Gender: masculine
Mineral: tin
Day ruled: Thursday
Day time: 10 hours
Balancing planets: Mercury and Saturn
Constitution: kapha & phlegmatic
Energetics: warming and moistening
Tissue state:
Excess: damp/stagnation
Deficient: dry/ atrophy
Tissue: fat
Organs: liver, gallbladder(2nd), digestion, adipose tissue, metabolic system
Herbal actions: alternative, better, tonic
Chakra: 6&7
Sumerian: dapinu
Jyotisa (Vedic): brihaspati
Norse: Thor
Greek: Zeus
Babylonian: marduk
Zodiac: Pisces
Hora of Jupiter: is highly auspicious for all spiritual ceremonies and undertakings. It is auspicious for joining the job, to start a business, to meet elders, and teachers, to start a new course or learning Disputes, for all religious undertakings, for marriage talks and for journeys and pilgrimages.
Mantra to chant: om guruvae namaha

Astrology transits suggest Jupiter creates a larger view of life, what’s possible, inspiration, wisdom.
Look for a husband through a Jupiter sign. This can also tell about other masculine figures in your life.
Letting Jupiter guide us where its placement allows one to expand their knowledge.
Jupiter writes about law, education, knowledge, philosophical culture, religion, savings and children. Symbolizing teachers, priests, gurus and grains.

Jupiter can signify the expansion of religion, higher knowledge, spiritual knowledge

Bad placement can mean bad teachings, and native may not learn as much. Shows management, leaders and those eager to learn. Children will have a sense of wisdom. Jupiter lights up and amplifies everything around it but not under its placement.

Understanding Jupiter helps create boundaries.

Go Ask Mom: Puking Rainbows

I have the most interesting story about this card. I was newly single and working as an in home care taker to someone suffering with organ failure due to alcoholism. The client ended up in the hospital on my 3rd shift ever. It was quite eye opening to how our in home care taking industry is set up. I also have a story about puking rainbows but that will be saved for another card. I think it’s more important to acknowledge that substances can not make a person whole, but we do have to remember to enjoy life in a mindful well way.

Puking rainbows

Puking rainbows every weekend probably isn’t the most healthy way to honor your temple/body. What you do to your body in this life will carry forward in your next lives. Take care of yourself first and for most. We were created in God’s image.

Journaling prompt: journal about your favorite way to enjoy life.

Reader activity: schedule in time to do you favorite mindful activity.

JEM’s Diary Cards: Pointed

What’s the point?

Spiritual Buzzwords: Earth Element


Symbol: triangle pointing down with line through it’s point

Direction: north

Tissue state: cold/ depression

Actions: grounding, cold, strengthen, building, structure

Energetics; cold/ dry

Humor: melancholic

Body Systems: muscular skeletal

Organs: bones, liver


Zodiac: Virgo Capricorn Taurus

Molecular: carbon

Platonic solid: cube

Parts of plants: roots

Herbal actions: tonic, alternative, restorative

Colors: green, brown

Medicine wheel position: north

4 words of kabbalah: assiah

Jung’s physche function: sensation

TMC: spleen, pancreas, stomach, muscle tissue

Essential oils and herbs: cardamom, sweet fennel, frankincense, lemon, sweet marjoram, myrrh

Herbal Buzz Words: Expectorant

Expells and breaks up mucus with in the body.

Highly supportive to lungs

Herbs: elecampane, horehound, licorice root, lobelia, mullien, slippery Elm, yerba Santa, violet leaf

Three Christmas Gifts Essential Oil Blend

If you want a little pick me up for the holidays, try my Three Christmas gifts oil blend. It will keep you stress free and confident all season long.

Not only does it help you relax, it will also boost your mood all while enhancing your libido and endurance to continue through.

Who doesn’t want that? It smells so good you will want to use it all year long.

The Three Christmas Gifts- boost your holiday mood.

1 pt vanilla

2 pts orange

3 pts frankincense

2 pts mrryh

2 pts lavender

Going Out of Business Sale

Over the last few years I’ve tried to front burner myself and the men’s skin care line only to have bricks thrown in my face over and over again. They say you shouldn’t give up on your dreams but what if your dreams are what is holding you back? You must then turn the other cheek.

To be quite honest this is killing me to continue to fight for a bunch of veterans and their families when they can’t even say howdy. Ain’t nobody got time for the wellness. And it’s a shame. Cus they all got problems due to their on the job training. It’s not like they CAN even afford to pay me for my knowledge. Even if I do get them to except my disclaimer and confidentiality paperwork they won’t do what I suggest to help them. It’s like leading a horse to water but instead they eat the mud. No matter how many times I’ve smashed the jar off their heads they still rather put shit on and in their bodies. So I say let them… Veterans affairs will pay them for that… I’m tired of fighting and would much rather get the divorce and disappear from the Internet leaving no trace or waste.

So, if you’re looking for a gift for your special ‘he’man, try this FREE all natural aftershave. Just pay shipping costs of $20. That’s a free $15 bottle of product for only the shipping costs. Use for a PayPal invoice.

See here for ingredient.