JEM’s Diary Cards: Enjoying Life

*the actual printed oracle card has an inappropriate for the blog drawing associated with it.

To enjoy life one must enjoy self and all things about ones self.

If one does not know and enjoy who one is in the most physical sense one will not enjoy life. When One doesn’t know and enjoy ones self in the most emotional sense one will not be able to enjoy life. When one does not enjoy and know ones most spiritual sense one will not enjoy life.

Without self-love, self-care, and self-worth one doesn’t enjoy the care, love, and worth coming from the surroundings of their environment around them. This causes envy and jealousy. When haters step in many times we start to isolate, don’t forget your self knowing and care while trying to keep your head down.

Journaling Prompt: what do you enjoy most about your life? What do you enjoy most about yourself?

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Can You Have Love After a Break-up?

A Few Self-love Essential Oil Blends

Believe in love, not sin.

JEM’s Diary Cards: Knowing YourSelf

*the actual printed oracle card has an inappropriate image for the blog post associated with it. It may be cut even.

The most important thing to staying healthy and well within and without relationships is knowing yourself. Knowing yourself creates your own happiness. The more you know yourself the more you’re journey becomes alive and rewarding.

When your path to happiness can become self knowing it will bring others towards your happiness.

That is how a happy ending is created.

Where does your happy come from? Within, without or a happy medium of give and take?

Can You Have Love After a Break-up?

Don’t B!+ch About it; Be About it!

Can you have wellness and chronic pain?

Herbal Buzzwords: Cholagogue

Stimulates the flow of bile.

Suppots liver congestion, gallbladder health, diabetic concerns

Dandelions, yellow dog, gegen

Taste bitter

More fat less sugar

JEM’s Diary Cards: Jet Setting

Traveling is in the agenda. Has been or will happen.

Blood, sweat, and tears have been put into a project and its now moving forward. Sails are set and bucket lists are marked, keep going, there’s a bright big star blessing the way to a sunnier day.

Journaling Prompt: where would you travel if you could plan a trip?

What stops you from traveling most?

JEM’s Diary Cards: Journey Begins

The signs have been found to begin the journey your mind has spun. Jump, take the dream flight. You’re thoughts, plans, brainstorms, and more are ready to be come reality. Time to explore all avenues. Each step is one after the other, ready for you to climb, glide, and shine bright. Spread the wings and end the worry of who will catch you if you fall because your knowledge will comfort you after all.

Journal about your top three favorite books. Why?

JEM’s Diary Cards: Peacock Wings

She’s looking for a masculine figure to honor her. This card shows that the energy within the reading had more female dominant qualities at this time but masculine under qualities, since Jupiter is behind the female character, signifying compassion towards the path with a yin like fashion.

The only thing keeping this person grounded to the intention is her self understanding. Know matter the lands traveled and wondered she can always be the one that might wear the crown.

Self exploration is important within the journey though life. Knowing your needs, wants, and desires is the only way you can communicating and allow partners to support you make your own dreams come true.

JEM’s Jewels: Rocky Mountain Onyx

This stone is about healing the heart pain felt in past situations and sewing the yin and yang or good and bad energy back together, creating a protective boundary of knowledge from the experiences that have come before hand.

It is used to keep the wearer safe from the unknown forces that may be sent their way through the journey.

Stabilizing, harmonizing, and protecting energy is found within the onxy stone. Always take incount the location a stone is found since the land it comes from has history and energy too.

JEM’s Diary Cards: Kali Screams

Many female deity’s stories share that powerful women often weep, scream out for help, and throw things around when their partner has become lost and unfindable.

The search for the one who has been harshly ripped away from your side by whar ever separation maybe can feel like an eruption of anger coming your way. When the uncontrollable whimper comes to sound one must pay attention to the sound. Like an alarm going off, the energy rocks the world into fright.

The puller of this card might be experiencing a fight within a family or work setting. The passion alignment might be disrupted. Check surrounding cards for which direction the native is fighting for.

How do you release tension?

Below are some other quick reads. If you would like to donate to the printing of Go Ask Mom click here.

Go Ask Mom: Durga

In the Beginning

Kali’s Sword

JEM’S Earn Award’s

Earn because the troop I co-lead earned their bronze award.

JEM’s Diary Cards: Fairy Bride

She’s a bit shy and often has her head in the sky.

Like an Herbalist she had many mystical ways to move energies with the healing arts. Shes full of passion and the arts. While always keeping the most nonjudgmental heart. With the most gentle approach as possible as her path is blossoming into success.

Some insecurities appear as easy as the disappear, swinging like a pendulum. The engery suggests floating along with the tide when you have a Fairy Bride. Peace is within the idea of the reading with quite understanding. She’ll probably have a gentle hug.

Maiden energy.

Journaling Prompt: write about your daughter, sister or niece and how she inspires you to keep moving forward.

Donation to the printing of The Go Ask Mom deck here.

Go Ask Mom: Knight of Wands

JEM’s Diary Cards: Queen of Hearts

JEM’s Diary Cards: Queen of Cups

A Few Self-love Essential Oil Blends