Oh White Crane

Oh white crane I see you standing there so tall. Like you might be able to see it all.

Showing me ‘stretch out your neck for a new view, and you too will enjoy the morning dew.’

As you feed so peacefully, I wish I knew from which direction you flew.

Oh magnetic crane flying there in the sky so high, how can I help thee not die?

As you dive down until the sea, the circle of life becomes more clear to me.

Oh white crane I see you standing there so talk, can you too see it all?

Oh dear child sitting there so blue, don’t forget cranes also come in blue.

They are even more peaceful yet. He too can ease you through the regret.

Oh dear child wipe those tears, so the sea can ease your fears.

Find my friend the mighty ray, maybe he will teach you how to stay.

Through the sea he did so flow, over centuries, bit only the heavens truly know.

And we cannot forget the sight of a dolphin’s fin, which means the pelican dance may begin.

The ocean is full of might and will always heal without a fight.

Oh dear child the white owl came to tell you, you might have the gift of sight, too. He didn’t mean to give you a fright. Don’t ever give up your might.

Oh dear child you learned much from sitting with me, let’s go see what something else may teach peace to thee.