Bird’s Nest Garden Blessing Kit

Bird’s Nest Garden Blessing Kits are created as a starter kit for gardens and yards that need a bit of love, abundance, and healing. The plants included make a lovely addition to any garden whether it naked or fully landscaped. These plants need little to no maintenance. Bringing life to your yard is important to clearing unwanted negative energy lingering around your property.

What’s in the Kit?

Air plants purify the air by filtering unwanted toxins out of the air and creating oxygen. Air plants encourage free thinking, creative adventures, and uplift the one’s mood.

Spanish moss can be used for medical purposes, as well as an air purifier. The native tribes from Florida used it to start fires and cleanse their respiratory system. Birds use it as nests. Spanish moss can used in teas and herbal baths, for belly aches, congestion, and skin ailments. Birds enjoy lining their homes with it as insulation and antimicrobial purposes.

Wandering Jews are beautiful in colors. They teach us to grow where we land and migrate through the earth/garden until we find the perfect place for us. Wandering Jew’s are fantastic additions to hanging pots, as accents to planters and ground cover of rockwall’s.

Mother of thousands come in a large assortment of varieties. The point in plants like these are to hold the soil where it is, add shade to shorter plants and procreate.They quickly spread making this plant a soil protectant, and soil purifier as they grow they compost the dead leaves and such around them creating a more rich soil compound. They don’t use a lot of water as they are succulents like.

There’s always two other plants added to the nest. Depending on the season. Examples include spider plants, elephant ear seed pods and even cacti babies.

A peace of the gulf coast. Could be mother of pearl, sponge, ocean wood, etc. These pieces are not only pretty, they are also helpful additions to any garden’s soil. Shells add calcium back into the soil. Sea sponges help to hold moisture in containers and the ground. Mother of pearl not only has healing properties, it also adds iridescent colors.

How to use a birds nest garden blessing:

Simply untie the cord and throw it over your fence or a tree limb. Make a wish, and let nature do the rest.


Keep it in your home, office, or set to add a bit of nature into your home. These plants need watered by soaking them in water once a week or heavily sprayed with a squirt bottle 2-3 times a week.

Bird’s Nest Garden Blessings Kits cost $10 plus shipping and handling. Contact me at for how to place an order.

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